1 Day
In today’s hi-tech, multimedia lead world, use of video cameras has become both cheaper & much more widespread. From home use to professional use, basic camera skills training dictates the difference between achieving amateur looking or professional looking results.
This course will teach you how to achieve professional looking results from camcorders and DSLR cameras, as well as giving an understanding of basic video pre-production and production. We even advise on suitable camera kit to take your production capabilities further
Any one wishing to use a video camera & obtain professional looking results, whatever the nature of the video shoot should attend this course. If you also require video editing training, please look at our longer video production courses, or our Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro and Divinci Resolve training courses.
No previous knowledge of video production or camera skills are required.
The Thinking Process
Audience, purpose, content style.
Pre Production
Pre-production thinking & the paperwork that you produce from it
Outline, treatment
Shooting script
Production schedule

Production checklist
Importance of technical quality:
Good sound
Good lighting
White balance
Using a tripod
frameing Shots
- Balanced composition relevant / neutral background
Shoot optimum amount storyboard
Logging Shots
Appropriate Illustrative Material
B Roll, GV’s / Cutaways
Establishing shot
Get as many cutaways as possible
Relevant cut-aways
Think in sequences of shots
Close Ups
Camera Shots:
Long Shot, Wide Shot
Mid Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up, Extreme Close Up
Camera Moves
Pans, Tilts, Zooms, Tracking Shot, Dolly Shot , Sweep 

Framing Shots
The Rule of Thirds & Balance Compostition
Crossing The Line
Soft, Sharp
Depth of Field, Pull focus
How to Use the Manual Focus
Adjust focus ring
Camera Controls
Iris, Shutter
, Gain
, Lens angle (zoom), Camera filters
Neutral Density (ND)
White Balance
Setting up for an interview
Basic Lighting Set-up
Shooting outdoors
Shooting Indoors
Handheld mic, Omnidirectional, Bidirectional, Unidirectional
Boom Mic
Radio Clip Mic
Built in camera mic
Traps to avoid
Practice Shooting Vox Pops / Interview